Keith Donnell Jr. and Antony Fangary, reading and in conversation
Our first event back in The Poetry Center since the start of the coronavirus pandemic. Hear new work from, and conversation with, fellow Bay Area poets and SF State alums Keith Donnell Jr. and Antony Fangary.
- Video live-streamed to our YouTube channel. Media captioning available there after the event.
Keith Donnell Jr., originally from Philly, is a Bay Area poet and book editor. He received his MFA in Creative Writing from San Francisco State and his MA in English from the University of Southern California. He was the 2017-2018 Editor-in-Chief of Fourteen Hills: The SFSU Review and has taught in SFSU’s Creative Writing Department. Keith’s work has appeared in numerous journals and anthologies, including Puerto del Sol’s Black Voices Series and the 2019 edition of Best American Non-required Reading. He lives in Hayward, CA with his wife, Alivia, and two cats, Ember and Mika. His first poetry collection, The Move, is new this Fall 2021 from Nomadic Press. More at keithdonnelljr.com
Antony Fangary is a Coptic-American poet, educator, and artist living in San Francisco. His poetry has recently appeared or is forthcoming in The Oakland Review, New American Writing, Interim, The Sycamore Review, West Branch, and elsewhere. His paintings have been featured in art shows around San Francisco and Los Angeles. His chapbook, HARAM, was published by Etched Press in 2019. Antony was Honorable Mention of the Ina Coolbrith Poetry Prize, finalist for the 2019 Wabash Poetry Prize, runner-up for the 2020 Test Site Poetry Series Book Prize, and nominated for multiple Pushcart Prizes. His work has received support from the San Francisco Arts Commission, Yerba Buena Center for the Arts, and the Center for Cultural Innovation.
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The Poetry Center