poet in long grey hair, black t-shirt, white buttoned shirt, smiling in a cafe, two children in the background

Alice Notley, solo poetry reading at The Lab

Monday, November 06, 2023
Event Time 07:00 p.m. - 09:00 p.m. PT
Cost Free and open to the public
Location The Lab, 2948 16th Street, San Francisco
Contact Email poetry@sfsu.edu


The Poetry Center and Small Press Traffic, in conjunction with The Lab, are delighted to co-present Alice Notley in a solo appearance in San Francisco's Mission District (1/2 block east from 16th & Mission BART). Notley plans to read from her recent books, Early Works and The Speak Angel Series (both from Fonograf Editions, 2023). Doors for the event open at 7:00 pm, with reading and livestream to YouTube (courtesy of SPT) at 7:30 pm Pacific Time. Alice Notley will be introduced by Trisha Low. This program is supported by the National Endowment for the Arts.

This event is free and open to the public: please register to attend.

7:30 pm Pacific livestream to YouTube (courtesy of SPT).

VIDEO for this program will be posted after editing at Poetry Center Digital Archive.

Notes on Accessibility: A wheelchair lift can be accessed through the center doors of the Redstone Building (2940 16th Street). Contact SPT in advance if you will need the doors to the lift open. The Lab supports Assistive Listening Devices (ALDs) through its mixing board. Each bathroom has one stall with a 35 inch clearance at the door.

Alice Notley was born in Bisbee, Arizona in 1945 and grew up in Needles, California in the Mojave Desert. She was educated at the Needles public schools, Barnard College, and The Writers Workshop, University of Iowa. She has lived most extensively in Needles, in New York, and since 1992 in Paris, France. She is the author of numerous books of poetry, and of essays and talks on poetry, and has edited and co-edited books by Ted Berrigan and Douglas Oliver. She edited the magazine CHICAGO in the 70s and co-edited with Oliver the magazines SCARLET and Gare du Nord in the 90s. She is the recipient of the Los Angeles Times Book Award, the Griffin Prize, the Academy of American Poets’ Lenore Marshall Prize, and the Poetry Foundation’s Ruth Lilly Prize, a lifetime achievement award.

Notley may be most widely known for her epic poem The Descent of Alette. Some more recent titles include Eurynome’s SandalsBenedictionCertain Magical Acts, and For the Ride. And now available are Early Works, composed of Notley’s first four books along with a section of unpublished early poems; and the six-book epic, The Speak Angel Series. Notley is also a collagist and visual artist, and some of her artwork may be found in the book Runes and Chords. Her newest book, Telling the Truth as It Comes Up: Selected Talks & Essays 1991-2018is forthcoming from The Song Cave.


Alice Notley reading The Descent of Alette, Books One & Two: November 14, 2016 at The Lab

Alice Notley reading The Descent of Alette, Books Three & Four: November 15, 2016 at The Lab


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