drawing in brown on white background of a man in long hair and glasses, a long garment draped full length, his hands holding out an abundance of leafy vegetables

Undisciplining the Fields: Abou Farman, with Tonya M. Foster

Tuesday, March 14, 2023
Event Time 04:00 p.m. - 06:00 p.m. PT
Cost Free and open to the public
Location The Poetry Center, Humanities 512, San Francisco State University
Contact Email poetry@sfsu.edu


  • Mask requested for in-person attendance
  • Join us in person or via Zoom webinar
  • Tune in to the video livestream

Join us for one in a number of programs taking place at SF State during February and March 2023 under the heading WOMAN. LIFE. FREEDOM., presented in solidarity with the Iranian Freedom Movement.

This event is free and open to the public.

Undisciplining the Fields: Study, Performance, and (Re:)Creation

co-presented by The Poetry Center and the George and Judy Marcus Endowed Chair in Poetry

Undisiciplining the Fields is a new conversation, reading (and sometimes performance) series that will invite writers, artists, filmmakers, and scholars from a range of fields to discuss and share their cross-disciplinary practices and thinking. Initiated by George and Judy Marcus Endowed Chair in Poetry Tonya M. Foster, in collaboration with The Poetry Center, the series is envisioned as an unruly exploration of the ways that practice expertise is developed and encouraged through interest, study, and accident; and of the ways that creativity motivates / instigates investigations of the possible. Foster's guest for this second program in the series will be anthropologist, filmmaker, poet, and educator Abou Farman, visiting the Bay Area from his home in New York City. 

  • ...what kind of new formations, logics and subjectivities, new allegiances and metaphysical quests are emerging in the secular interplay of religion, spirituality, science, and technology, especially as put into play by transhumanism—that is, more broadly speaking, as put into play in the post-human space in which technology, power, and ideology together are changing the way we can be humans and the meaning of being human in relation to the cosmos, that is to our own account of the universe and our place in it. —Abou Farman, “Mind Out of Place: Transhuman Spirituality”

An anthropologist, writer and artist, Abou Farman is author of On Not Dying: Secular Immortality in the Age of Technoscience and Clerks of the Passage. As part of the artist duo caraballo-farman, he has exhibited internationally and received several grants and awards, including NYFA and Guggenheim Fellowships. He is producer and writer on several feature films including Icaros: A VisionVegas: Based on a True Story, and Uyra: The Rising Forest. He has published widely in academic and literary publications, with essays nominated for a National Magazine Award in Canada, selected for the Best Canadian Essays and twice awarded the Arc Poetry Magazine Critics Desk Award. He teaches at The New School and is founder of Art Space Sanctuary as well as the Shipibo Conibo Center of NY, working alongside indigenous autonomy movements.  

Tonya M. Foster, the George and Judy Marcus Endowed Chair in Poetry at San Francisco State University, is the author of the poetry collection A Swarm of Bees in High Court (Belladonna*, 2015) and the bilingual poetry chapbook La grammaire des os (joca seria, 2016). She is coeditor of the essay collection Third Mind: Creative Writing through Visual Art (Teachers & Writers Collaborative, 2002). Forthcoming are a poetry chapbook, A History of the Bitch (AHOTB) (Sputnik & Fizzle), and the full-length collection Thingification (Ugly Duckling Presse). With the support of a Creative Capital Award, Foster is also developing a multimedia, multi-genre project titled Monkey Talk, that studies issues of race, paranoia, surveillance, and aesthetics.

Image from portrait by Sophia Garcia.

Related events: 

International Womens Day: Marjan Vahdat and Tonya M. Foster, in performance

To the People of Iran — Music for a New Year’s Liberation


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