Video highlight clips: Feliz Lucia Molina reads "Heterotopia in the Valley," from her manuscript Thundercastle | Feliz Lucia Molina reads "Please Listen to 'I'll Remember' by Madonna While Eating a Salad at Denny's or Sizzler" | Feliz Lucia Molina and Alli Warren talk about including one's home, or not, in one's poetry, with Molina speaking of locating a sense of "feeling at home" on the Internet, as compared to the physical spaces of boarding care homes from her youth
I thought a white woman in Nashville could help too, could help before I connected to the woman so eager to help in Manila.
In Common Writers Series Thanks to a generous grant from the Walter & Elise Haas Fund, The Poetry Center will present six double-programs (twelve events in all) during 2018–19, featuring a series of remarkable writers from across the US, paired in conversation and performance with, for the most, local area writers with whom they share strong affinities. Each featured guest writer appears at The Poetry Center—we're doing outreach in particular to students and faculty in SF State's College of Ethnic Studies—reading and in conversation with their paired guest writer and the audience. Then, moving off-campus, both writers read their work at one of the Bay Area's local bookstores. We want to recognize our bookstores as crucial cultural centers and, paradoxically maybe, among the most long-lived and durable cultural sites in this violently gentrified region. Details on our six 2018-19 programs and featured artists here.