Full program video: Jerome Rothenberg: November 14, 2017
Video highlight clips: Jerome Rothenberg reads from Flower World Variations | Jerome Rothenberg reads "The Treasures of Dunhuang, 1," for Armand Schwerner
Jerome Rothenberg is an internationally celebrated poet, translator, anthologist, and performer with over ninety books of poetry and twelve assemblages of traditional and avant-garde poetry such as Technicians of the Sacred, Shaking the Pumpkin (traditional American Indian poetry); Exiled in the Word (a.k.a. A Big Jewish Book); and, with Pierre Joris and Jeffrey Robinson, Poems for the Millennium, volumes 1-3. His most recent books are Eye of Witness: A Jerome Rothenberg Reader (2013) and Barbaric Vast & Wild: Outside & Subterranean Poetry from Origins to Present (volume 5 of Poems for the Millennium, 2015). A significantly expanded fiftieth anniversary edition of Technicians of the Sacred has just been published by the University of California Press, and a new book of poems, A Field on Mars: Poems 2000-2015, was published last year in separate English and French editions.
Visit Jerome Rothenberg's poemsandpoetics.blogspot