As part of The Poetry Center's Tripwire Cross-Cultural Poetics Series,Cartonera Collective, "a team of book makers devoted to the production of bilingual book art from Latin American authors" will present a free bilingual bookmaking workshop, Friday afternoon at Alley Cat Books & Gallery in the Mission. The previous evening, Cardboard House Press poets Giancarlo Huapaya, Omar Pimienta, and José Antonio Villarán present their work at The Poetry Center, co-sponsored with Latina/Latino Studies, SF State. Then Friday evening, following the bookmaking workshop at Alley Cat, we'll all be at The Green Arcade, on Market at Gough, for a 7pm reading. All events are free and open to the public (though register for the workshop, space is limited). Please join us!
• For the occasion, Tripwire journal will be producing a new Cardboard House/Cartonera Collective volume in its Tripwire Pamphlet Series.
[English below]
¿Quieres hacer libros de poesía, ediciones artesanales y bilingües de autores latinoamericanos? Cartonera Collective va a tener un taller gratuito y bilingüe en Alley Cat Bookstore & Gallery en San Francisco el viernes 8 de noviembre 1:30 pm - 4 pm. Lxs participantxs van a hacer su propia copia de Koan Underwater (Juan José Rodinás, trans. Ilana Dann Luna). Además, vamos a leer poemas del libro, hablar sobre el movimiento cartonero, y compartir la historia del Cartonera Collective de Cardboard House Press.
¡No necesitas experiencia! El cupo es limitado, puedes registrarte.
Cartonera Collective es un proyecto de Cardboard House Press, organización sin fines de lucro 501c3 dedicada a la creación de espacios y medios para el desarrollo cultural, artístico y literario. Publicamos literatura, arte y pensamiento contemporáneo de Latinoamérica y España, y organizamos eventos bilingües, proyectos comunitarios y talleres. Nuestro trabajo sirve como plataforma para intercambiar ideas y poner en valor significados que estimulan diversas conexiones humanas y acciones sociales. Todas nuestras publicaciones son bilingües—inglés y español. Hasta la fecha hemos publicado autores de Argentina, Colombia, Cuba, Chile, Ecuador, España, Guatemala, México, Perú, Puerto Rico y Uruguay.
Want to make bilingual, artisanal books of poetry by Latin American authors? Join the Cardboard House Press Cartonera Collective for a FREE bilingual bookmaking workshop at Alley Cat Bookstore & Gallery in San Francisco from 1:30 pm - 4 pm on Friday, November 8th. Participants will have the chance to make their own copy of Koan Underwater (Juan José Rodinás, trans. Ilana Dann Luna). Plus, we'll read poems from the book, talk about the Cartonera Movement, and share the history of the Cardboard House Press Cartonera Collective.
No experience necessary! Space is limited, so please register.
Cartonera Collective is a project of Cardboard House Press, a 501c3 nonprofit organization devoted to the creation of spaces and media for cultural, artistic, and literary development. We publish writing, art, and contemporary thought from Latin America and Spain, and host bilingual events, community projects and workshops. Our work serves as a platform to exchange ideas and highlight meanings that stimulate diverse human connections and social actions. All of our publications are bilingual—English and Spanish. To date we have published authors from Argentina, Colombia, Cuba, Chile, Ecuador, Guatemala, Mexico, Peru, Puerto Rico, Spain and Uruguay.
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free and open to the public
free and open to the public