Full-program video Garrett Caples and Julian Talamantez Brolaski: February 15, 2018
Video highlight clips: Garrett Caples, "Warm Life / for Bill Berkson, Khaled al-Asaad" | Julian Talamantez Brolaski, "On How to Transfigure the Body Utterly," from Advice for Lovers
Friends and fellow poets Garrett Caples and Julian Talamantez Brolaski each read from their poetry for the first time at The Poetry Center.
Julian Talamantez Brolaski is a poet and singer, the author of Of Mongrelitude (Wave Books, 2017), Advice for Lovers (City Lights, 2012), gowanus atropolis (Ugly Duckling Presse, 2011), and co-editor of NO GENDER: Reflections on the Life & Work of kari edwards (Litmus Press/Belladonna Books, 2009). Julian is the lead singer and rhythm guitarist in the country bands Juan & the Pines (NYC) and The Western Skyline (Oakland). It is currently a visiting artist at the Montalvo Arts Center in Saratoga, researching and editing a book on Mescalero Apache ceremony with its grandmother, Inés Talamantez.
Garrett Caples is the author of Power Ballads (Wave Books, 2016), Retrievals (2014), The Garrett Caples Reader (Angle Press/Black Square Editions, 1999), Complications (Meritage Press, 2007), and Quintessence of the Minor (Wave, 2010). He is the editor of Preserving Fire: Selected Prose by Philip Lamantia (Wave, 2018), and the co-editor of The Collected Poems of Philip Lamantia (UC Press, 2013), Particulars of Place by Richard O. Moore (Omnidawn, 2015), and Incidents of Travel in Poetry: New and Selected Poems by Frank Lima (City Lights, 2016). He works as an editor at City Lights Books and curates the Spotlight Poetry Series there.