Full program video: Trace Peterson and Max Wolf Valerio: November 2, 2017
Video highlight clips: Trace Peterson reads "Everyone Is a Little Trans" | Max Wolf Valerio reads "Prophesy"
"OK I admit it. I was Greta Garbo, or was that — Shulamith Firestone?"
Max Wolf Valerio, at EOAGH
"Roses are red / violets are transsexual / welcome to womanhood / now get to work honey..."
Trace Peterson, "Exclusively on Venus"
Rare San Francisco reading and conversation with Trace Peterson, poet and coeditor of Troubling the Line: Trans and Genderqueer Poetry and Poetics (Nightboat Books, 2013), and Max Wolf Valerio, poet and author of the memoir, The Testosterone Files (Seal Press, 2006), visiting respectively from New York City and from Denver, Colorado.
Trace Peterson is a trans woman poet critic. Author of Since I Moved In (Chax Press) and forthcoming books of poetry, she also edits/publishes EOAGH which has won two Lambda Literary Awards including the first Lammy in Trans Poetry. She is co-editor of Troubling the Line: Trans and Genderqueer Poetry and Poetics (Nightboat Books) and of Arrive on Wave: Collected Poems of Gil Ott (Chax Press). Her recent work appears in The Best American Experimental Writing 2016 (Wesleyan University Press), From Our Hearts to Yours: New Narrative As Contemporary Practice (ON Contemporary Practice), Readings in Contemporary Poetry: An Anthology (Dia Art Foundation/Yale University Press), and TSQ: Transgender Studies Quarterly, and at The Academy of American Poets website (poets.org).
Max Wolf Valerio is an iconoclastic poet and writer. A book of poems, The Criminal: The Invisibility of Parallel Forces will be out Fall 2018 from EOAGH Books. His chapbook Animal Magnetism (e.g. press) appeared in 1984. Recent poetry includes: “Exile: Vision Quest at the Edge of Identity” — a long poem set to ambient music and excerpted in Yellow Medicine Review and made possible by a Native American Arts and Cultural Traditions Grants (NAACT) from the San Francisco Arts Commission; a collaboration with photographer Dana Smith, Mission Mile Trilogy +1; poems in the anthology Troubling the Line: Trans and Genderqueer Poetry and Poetics (Nightboat Books, 2013). His memoir, The Testosterone Files (Seal Press, 2006) was a Lambda Finalist for 2006.