Thursday, February 16 - 7:00 pm PS to 9:00 pm PST
The Poetry Center, HUM 512, San Francisco State University

Full Program: Oki Sogumi and Wendy Trevino: February 16, 2017
Highlight video clips: Wendy Trevino | Oki Sogumi
Poets Oki Sogumi and Wendy Trevino read from new work, and engage in conversation with one another and their audience.
Oki Sogumi first surfaced in Seoul, Korea c. 1988 and resides in Philadelphia, USA. Her chapbooks include Underglazy (Portable Press at Yo-Yo labs) and Smear Jelly Dreaming A goo daughter & Time Travel and Friendship (Museum of Expensive Things). She is currently writing a sci-fi novella (forthcoming from Publication Studio Oakland) that chronicles the end of the world.
Wendy Trevino was born and raised in the Rio Grande Valley of South Texas. She now lives and works in San Francisco. Her chapbook 128-131 was published by Perfect Lovers Press in 2013. Her chapbook Brazilian Is Not a Race was published by Commune Editions in 2016. Her poems have appeared in various print and online journals, including Abraham Lincoln, Armed Cell, the Capilano Review, LIES, Macaroni Necklace, Mondo Bummer, ELDERLY, and Open House. Wendy is not an experimental writer.
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The Poetry Center