View Julia Bloch and erica lewis, reading and in conversation
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Julia Bloch reads from Like Fur | erica lewis reads "have i been away too long"
Julia Bloch grew up in Northern California and Sydney, Australia. She is the author of two books of poetry, Letters to Kelly Clarkson, a finalist for the Lambda Literary Award, and Valley Fever, both from Sidebrow Books, and of several chapbooks, most recently Hollywood Forever (Little Red Leaves Textile Series) and Like Fur (Essay Press). Her essays and reviews have appeared in The Volta, Journal of Modern Literature, and elsewhere. She received an MFA in poetry at Mills College and a PhD in literature at the University of Pennsylvania; awards and honors include the San Francisco Foundation’s Joseph Henry Jackson Literary Award and the William Carlos Williams Prize for Poetry. For two years she taught literature at the Bard College MAT program in Delano, California, and now lives in Philadelphia, where she coedits Jacket2 and directs the creative writing program at the University of Pennsylvania.