Thursday, March 10 - 11:30 pm PST to Friday, March 11 - 1:00 am PST
The Poetry Center, Humanities 512, San Francisco State University

Full program (audio only): Ed Pavlić and David Lau: March 10, 2016
Audio highlights: David Lau reads "Summer Ruins" | Ed Pavlić, "Verbatim Palestine: June 3, 2014"
Ed Pavlić, arriving from Athens, Georgia, joins David Lau, from the greater Bay Area, as the two poets read from their work, then converse with one another and their audience.
Ed Pavlić
Ed Pavlić’s new books are Let's Let That Are Not Yet: Inferno (National Poetry Series, Fence Books, 2015) and 'Who Can Afford to Improvise?': James Baldwin and Black Music, the Lyric and the Listeners (Fordham University Press, 2015). Recent works are Visiting Hours at the Color Line (National Poetry Series, Milkweed Editions, 2013), But Here Are Small Clear Refractions (Achebe Center, 2009, Kwani? Trust, 2013) and Winners Have Yet to be Announced: A Song for Donny Hathaway (U Georgia P, 2008). His other books are Paraph of Bone & Other Kinds of Blue (Copper Canyon, 2001), Crossroads Modernism: Descent and Emergence in African American Literary Culture (U Minnesota Press, 2002), and Labors Lost Left Unfinished (UPNE/Sheep Meadow Press, 2006). He teaches at the University of Georgia and lives in Athens, GA.
David Lau
Poet David Lau grew up in Long Beach, California. He has described his family as a “Chicano-Chinese and Anglo household.” He earned degrees from UCLA and the Iowa Writers’ Workshop. The poems in his first book, Virgil and the Mountain Cat (2009), were described by The Believer’s Dominic Luxford as “simultaneously creative and destructive … grounded in—or rather, trapped by—the present. …” Chosen as a Poetry Society of America New American Poet, Lau himself described his own goals for poetry: “The force field of allusion need be maximal in this poetry: a harmony of the low and high, of social inequality and natural abundance.” Lau is also the author of the chapbook Bad Opposites (2012). With Cal Bedient, he edits the journal Lana Turner. In April 2014, David Lau was a featured writer for Harriet.
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The Poetry Center