Full program video (incorporating the 1965 NET Outtakes Series program featuring John Wieners, with Robert Duncan, in San Francisco) : Robert Dewhurst and Michael Seth Stewart on the Life and Work of John Wieners: September 10, 2015
Video highlight clips: Robert Dewhurst reading "Viva" | Michael Seth Stewart reading from John Wieners' journal
The much anticipated return to print of the poetry of John Wieners occurs with Supplication: Selected Poems of John Wieners, edited by Robert Dewhurst, Joshua Beckman and CAConrad (Wave Books), complemented by more informal writings appearing under the title Stars Seen in Person: Selected Journals of John Wieners, edited by Michael Seth Stewart (City Lights Books).
The first recorded reading by John Wieners occurred at The Poetry Center on June 21, 1959.
John Wieners
Originally from Boston, Wieners attended Boston College and Black Mountain College in North Carolina, moving to San Francisco following the close of the latter school in summer 1956. He lived much of his life in his hometown, on Joy Street off Beacon Hill, with significant chapters in New York City and in Buffalo, New York. In 1973 he read, with Robert Creeley, to celebrate The Poetry Center’s 20th Anniversary, and returned to San Francisco at the invitation of The Poetry Center in 1990.
Robert Dewhurst
Dewhurst is co-editor of Supplication: Selected Poems of John Wieners (Wave Books), forthcoming this October. Stewart earned his Ph.D., editing the complete letters of John Wieners. He edited The Sea Under the House: The Correspondence of John Wieners and Charles Olson (Lost and Found).
Michael Seth Stewart
Michael Seth Stewart is the editor of Stars Seen in Person: Selected Journals of John Wieners (City Lights Books). He received his Ph.D. from the Graduate Center of the City University of New York, where he edited Wieners’ letters and journals while teaching in the CUNY system. He is also editor of The Sea Under the House: The Correspondence of John Wieners and Charles Olson (Lost and Found: CUNY Poetic Documents Initiative). He teaches at University of Alabama.